Research Report Proposal Final Evaluation

I have enjoyed this part of the unit, and I feel confident with the proposal I have produced as I feel it is a good starting point for my dissertation. I chose a topic that I am personally interested in and combined it with my interests within animation. I began with one idea and ended up with another along the same topic but slightly varied, and I am happy I made this change as I feel it is more suited to my skills and interests. I think my strongest skill in this project has been taking on feedback and using it to improve my work, and has taught me the importance of writing up a number of drafts. I think my research has been varied and I have found it very engaging, I find the blog set up a really useful tool to do this. I feel my skills with in academic research and writing have improved.

I think my areas for improvement will be to continue reflecting on my work and recording feedback, and to also research more generally rather than sticking to quite specific topics and look at the world more generally. Over the summer I plan to continue my research using books, films and online sources and build on my proposal. Once I have enough research I think I will be a strong position to produce a good dissertation.

Report Proposal Weekly Reflection 8

30th April- 6th May 2018


I have made a lot of head way this week. I have decided to change to a standard essay and look into archetype theory, whilst still using greek mythology and story structure. I will link this to animation by talking about Coraline and other animated films. I have written my second draft and submitted this for feedback. I feel more comfortable with my proposal that I did before, and I think it will be really useful next year when it comes to writing my dissertation.

Areas for development 

Use feedback to refine and polish my proposal so it is ready for hand in.

Campbell and the hero’s journey and addressing feedback

I am happy with my essay structure, and after some feedback there are a few small changes I need to make and some additional research required, including more info on the heroes journey and mention Joseph campbell.

‘A popular form of structure derived from Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth from his book The Hero With A Thousand Faces and adapted by Christopher Vogler is the Twelve Stage Hero’s Journey.’

I will also further research ‘The Golden Bough’ by J Frazer, but this will be something I have proposed in my future research.

With these changes I believe I have a solid essay that I am happy to continue with over the next year.


Research proposal Version 2

Research Report Proposal (version 2)

Working Title

How has Jungian Archetype theory been applied to the Greek myth ‘Psyche and Eros’ and popular animated films such as ‘Coraline’?

Report Type

Extended standard essay (5000 words)

 Background Research

I have long been interested in Greek mythology, as this is such a huge topic I thought it best to focus on one specific story, and chose the ‘Psyche and Eros’ myth. I used the book ‘Mythos’ by Stephen Fry as a starting point, Fry introduces the story ‘as the strongest candidate for First Ever Novel: The Golden Ass, by the Roman writer Apuleius. The story’s influenced so much Western thought, folk literature and art’ (Fry, 2017 p.160). Greek mythology is allegorical, it was used to explain the world when the world was very big and frightening.

Ancient stories such as this contain many archetypes, a theory developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, born 1875. This suggested that humans had a collective consciousness; a set of images and beliefs that arose not through experience but through a pre-programmed ideology that transcended time and culture. One of the main archetypes in this story is ‘the mother’, ‘the loving mother or the terrible mother or goddess of fate. Jung considered the Mother the most important archetype because it seemed to contain all else’ (Butler-Bowden, 2018). This is represented by Aphrodite, who attempts to sabotage the love of her son in order to retain her status as the most beautiful woman to both gods and man.

‘The mother archetype occupies a central role in the unconscious life of every individual’ (Garud, 2001 p.7), and therefore plays a key role in story structure and narrative across all media. Another comparative example is ‘Coraline’, the difference here is that there are two mother archetypes are represented, ‘The other mother is, at first, Jung’s loving Mother but is quickly portrayed as the terrible Mother archetype.’ (Makowski, 1985 p.73)

 The research question

I will be specifically looking into Jungian archetype theory and related theories such as Vogler’s ‘Hero’s Journey’. I will then apply them to the ‘Psyche and Eros’ myth in its different iterations and ‘Coraline’, looking at different interpretations and drawing my own conclusions. I will focus on the story structure, character and narrative rather than the how ‘Coraline’ has been animated, with reference to both the film and the book.

Overall aims

  • Identify the key points of Jung’s archetype theory
  • Apply these and analyze the ‘Psyche and Eros’ myth with a comparison to ‘Coraline’, with a key focus on the ‘mother’ archetype
  • Identify other interpretations of these stories using other narrative analysis techniques such as ‘The Hero’s Journey’ with reference to ‘Beauty and the Beast’ as a modern interpretation of ‘Psyche and Eros’

Research methods

In order to achieve these aims I will begin with researching Greek mythology in a wider context and specifically the myth I want to cover. I will use online sources, books, and films to help with this, such as ‘Love and the Soul: Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth’ (Gollnick, 2016), and ‘Persephone, Psyche, and the Mother-Maiden Archetype’(Makowski, 1985). I will then study other interpretations of the Myth, both directly such as paintings, poetry and stories. I will also re-read ‘Coraline’ as a primary source and look at other analysis of both the film and book. Some example sources I will be using are ‘A Jungian Analysis of Coraline’(Garud, 2011) and ‘The Chilly World of Coraline’ (Corliss, 2009).

I will also research in Carl Jung and his theories and any opposition to them, and ‘The Heros Journey’ (Vogler, 2007). To relate back to my initial study of Greek myths I will look at how mythology has influenced these theories.

 List of suggested chapters

Introduction– Outlining what I want to achieve in the essay, the major themes and resources I will be using, and a brief summary of what is in each chapter.

Chapter 1: Carl Jung and Archetype Theory- Explaining what the theory is and why it is used, it’s criticism and how mythology has influenced it.

Chapter 2: The tale of Psyche and Eros- Here I will introduce the myth and analyze its different interpretations, with focus on archetypes and how these have changed throughout different interpretations such as ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

Chapter 3: The Other Mother in Coraline- Analysis of ‘Coraline’ and compare it to ‘Psyche and Eros’, how has a modern story used archetypes differently to an older story with mention of how animation has aided this.

Conclusion- A summary of my findings, and an evaluation of how I think the project has gone.

Potential Outcomes

From this essay I hope to learn more about narrative, character and story, and the different methods people have used to break them down and understand them. I hope to further my understanding of archetypes and motifs within animation so that I can use this is my own practice. I think it will be a valuable asset to my creative work and also my skills within academia and essay writing. The problems I think may occur will be finding reputable, academic sources to cite, but as the bulk of this essay will be research I think this will just take time and dedication. The conclusion I may draw from my research is that both the stories I am looking at use the ‘mother’ archetype in juxtaposing ways that subvert the audience’s idea of what a ‘mother’ should be. By doing this the stories change our expectations and the way we might see the world, leaving the reader/watcher with a feeling of having learnt a lesson or a moral of some kind.


Beauty and the Beast, (1991). Film, Directed by Gary Trousdale. USA, Walt Disney Feature Animation.

Butler-Bowden, T (2018) The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Available at:—the-archetypes-and-the-collective-unconscious.html

Cinderella, (1950). Film, directed by Clyde Geronimi. USA, Walt Disney Productions.

Coraline (2009). Film, directed by Henry Selick. USA, Focus Features.

Corliss, R (2009). The Chilly World of Coraline. Available at:,8599,1877435,00.html

Elliot, A (2018). Adam Elliot Clayographies. Available at:

Fordman, F (2018). Carl Jung. Available at:

Fry, S (2017) Mythos. Great Britain, Penguin Random House UK.

Garud, M (2011). A Jungian Analysis of Coraline. Available at:

Gollnick, J (2006). Love and the Soul : Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Karas, M (2018). Greek Mythology. Available at:

Kenn, J (2016). Don Kenn Gallery. Available at:

Lewis, C S (2017) Till We Have Faces. San Francisco, Harper One.

Makowski, John (1985). Persephone, Psyche, and the Mother-Maiden Archetype. Chigago, Loyola University Chicago. Accessed at:

Multilingual Folk Tale Database (2018) Available at:

Pook press (2017). Beauty and the Beast: A history of the tale. Available at:

Shakespeare, W (1913) Romeo and Juliet. London, Lippincott Company. Available at:

Stiches and Glue (2018). Stitches and glue. Available at:

Vogler, C (2007). The Writers Jouney. Michigan, McNaughton & Gunn Inc. Available at:

WRIGHT, G.A., (2010). Ancient Greece’s Excellent Adventure: Classical Myth on Screen and Online. Literature/Film Quarterly, 38(2), pp. 163-165.

Carl Jung Archetypes

‘Carl Jung, in full Carl Gustav Jung, (born July 26, 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland—died June 6, 1961, Küsnacht), Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology, in some aspects a response to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extraverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, literature, and related fields.’

Carl Jung believed that the events of nature were not simply put into fairytales and myths as a way of explaining them physically. Rather, the outer world was used to make sense of the inner.’

I have been look in Jungian archetype theory in order to progress my ideas. Jung believed in a collective consciousness, a set of images and beliefs that arose not though experience but a pre programmed ideology that transcends time and culture.

One of these archetypes that I have been drawn to is that of the ‘Mother’, who is represented in a multitude of imagery and motifs, and can mean love and the earth. On the other hand it can meaning, ‘the loving mother or the terrible mother or goddess of fate. Jung considered the Mother the most important archetype because it seemed to contain all else.’

In order to link this idea to my essay I think a strong link could be made to ‘Aphrodite’, the mother of Eros. She is maleficent and all powerful, a prime example of the ‘cruel’ mother archetype. This is turn leads to the connection to Coraline, the mother figure in this is a huge part of the plot and the narrative. ‘

‘The other mother is, at first, Jung’s loving Mother but is quickly portrayed as the terrible Mother archetype. Jung’s evil mother archetype is defined as one who is “heartless” or a “devouring and entwining animal”


Click to access PSYCH175Spring2011AJungianAnalysisofCoraline.pdf

‘According to Jungian personality theory, the mother archetype occupies a central role in the unconscious life of every individual’

Both these story follow a ‘hero’s journey’, the main protagonists have to ‘cross a threshold’ into an other world different to there own in order to learn something.

There could also be a link here to disney, with ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and how the lack of a literal ‘mother’ is found in other ways. The character uses books and her relationship with nature as a replacement mother.

‘In Villanueve and Beaumont’s tales, help in any way they can to provide for the family and run the house, so that Beauty’s actions as the mother-figure (Fairy Tale as Myth 37) in the family reciprocate the brothers’ efforts, but only the comparative laziness of the sisters really cements Beauty’s place as the ‘good girl’ (page 17)—the-archetypes-and-the-collective-unconscious.html


Changing direction

From feedback and some confusion on my part I think I need a clearer title and understanding of what I hope to achieve. I want to possibly change to the extended essay rather than the reflective report as it seems to align better with what I want to write about, focusing more of the story structure side of things rather than puppet construction. I am feeling a little lost as to where I am heading but I am hoping with mire research and further feedback I can decide on something I feel more secure with.

My next step will be to look into archetype theory more, how it is connected to greek mythology and in turn stop motion. I am struggling to find links to this, as there isn’t much source material out there. Here are some ideas that could be useful moving forward:

  • Archetypes in ‘Psyche and Eros’, are there other animations that use this?
  • Coraline, analyse archetypes used, link it back to greek mythology
  • Use Jungian archetype theory

A Jungian Analysis of Coraline:

Click to access PSYCH175Spring2011AJungianAnalysisofCoraline.pdf

Psyche and the maiden archetype:

Maiden, mother, crone archetype:


Report Proposal Weekly Reflection 7

23rd-29th April 2018


This week had been very productive, using my research and feedback I produced my first draft proposal and I am happy with the direction I am going in. I have written is a reflective report as I was slightly confused about the structure, this was entirely my fault for not reading through the brief properly and asking questions when I was confused. Because of this I may change to a standard essay as I think this might better reflect the way I work. Although I love working practically I think I am trying to force the work into the essay rather than using my work as a basis for the essay. I will discuss this further and come to a decision when I am certain, but I will continue along the same topic just structure things slightly differently.

Areas for development

Add to and adapt my first draft and submit it for feedback, and make sure my bibliography is fully referenced and correct.

First Draft Proposal

Maddy Caulfield Research Report Proposal

Working Title

Explore the Greek myth ‘Psyche and Eros’ and its influence on animation, film and literature, and how it has informed my own practice.

Aims and Objectives

In my research report I will aim to show how big an influence Greek mythology has on modern story telling techniques, and in turn animation. I want to compare interpretations of the ‘Psyche and Eros’ myth (sometimes referred to as Cupid and Eros), from modern literature such as ‘Till We Have Faces’ by C.S. Lewis to Disney animation such as ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and ‘Cinderella’. From this research I intend to explore my own interpretation of the story and create character designs and puppets that reflect this.


In order to achieve these aims I will begin with researching Greek mythology in a wider context and specifically the myth I want to cover. I will use online sources, books, and films to help with this (I have added some of these to the bibliography). I will then study other interpretations of the Myth, both directly such as paintings, poetry and stories, and indirectly. For example, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ whose stories resonate with the themes and structure of the original Greek myth. I will look at its effect on Psychology that is explored in ‘Love and the Soul: Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth’, a book I intend to read further (Gollnick, 2016).

I will also look into how myths have influenced story structure and fairy tales, using sources such as Christopher Vogler and Joseph Campbell, and link this back to ‘Psyche and Eros’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

As I am conducting this research I will be creating sketches and story ideas inspired by my findings and other animators/artists, and part of the essay will address my own creative development. I also want to develop my understanding of how books are adapted to screen and other media. I will use various materials and methods such as drawing, digital, maquettes, animation tests, storyboarding and animation to create my own interpretation of the myth and culminate in a finished, working puppet. I will record my process from initial development all the way through to the materials, techniques, final product and an evaluation of its success.

Background Research

I have long been interested in Greek mythology, as this is such a huge topic I thought it best to focus on one specific story, and chose the ‘Psyche and Eros’ myth. I used the book ‘Mythos’ by Stephen Fry as a starting point, Fry introduces the story ‘as the strongest candidate for First Ever Novel: The Golden Ass, by the Roman writer Apuleius. The story’s influenced so much Western thought, folk literature and art’ (Fry, 2017 p.160). Greek mythology is allegorical, it was used to explain the world when the world was very big and frightening. I think that part of the reason they are still popular today is because they address human nature and desire, which hasn’t really changed much in 3000 years.

I have started some preliminary research into the origins of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and how it fits into the essay. It is a story that has been passed down through folk tales and word of mouth, first being written and recorded by Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve in 1740 as ‘La Belle et La Bête’. It falls under the Aarne-Thompson type of ‘The Search for the Lost Husband’ (Multilingual Folk Tale Database 2018), and is believed to be directly influenced by Greek mythology. ‘The myth of cupid and psyche is one of the oldest tales to evidence ‘the search for the lost husband’ trope, and is considered by many scholars to be the first ever literary fairy tale.  The similarities between this legend and Villeneuve’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ are so striking, it is very likely to be a direct descendant.’ (Pook Press, 2017).

I have also started to look at a few artists and animators who inspire me, and some who have a style I would like to emulate in my own work. For example, John Kenn Mortensen (fig 1) creates creepy, unsettling illustrations with just pen and post it notes. As a place to start I think creating lots of small sketches will be a good way to explore ideas. From this, the work of puppet company ‘Stiches and Glue’ (fig 2) would be a good company to look into further, to help with the actual construction and fabrication of the puppet.

Chapter titles

Introduction– Outlining what I want to achieve in the essay, the major themes and resources I will be using, and a brief summary of what is in each chapter.

Chapter one: A brief history of Greek Mythology– I will introduce the topic and provide some background information such as why mythology exists, what is its purpose, and why will still use it today.

Chapter 2: The tale of Psyche and Eros- Here I will introduce the myth and analyze its different interpretations, looking at how history has effected how it is viewed.

Chapter 3: Disney and the Beast- This chapter will look at how Greek myths and Disney connect, as well as addressing story structure and fairy tales. I will then specifically look at the link between ‘Pschye and Eros’ and Disney’s telling of ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

Chapter 4: Good artists copy, great artists steal- Discussing how animators and artists take old stories or writers work and turn them into their own narrative.

Chapter 5: Design and fabrication- Here I will go in depth about my interpretation of the story based on my research and how I have used it to create my own work, with photos and sketches as primary evidence.

Conclusion- A summary of my findings, an evaluation of how I think my practical work has gone, and what I would do differently next time.


I think that the difficulties I may encounter doing this essay will be finding academic and reliable research, as I have found it somewhat difficult to find evidence. Saying this I believe it is out there and it will just be a case of reading through everything and pin pointing the sources I need. The other difficulty may be evaluating the success of the puppet at the end, as this can be subjective. In order to combat this, I will ask both professionals (such as Barry Leith) and peers of what they think of the final product, and take this into consideration. My next step will be to continue gathering research and evidence to give me a solid foundation of knowledge that I can build on.

Word count: 1097


Beauty and the Beast, (1991). Film, Directed by Gary Trousdale. USA, Walt Disney Feature Animation.

Cinderella, (1950). Film, directed by Clyde Geronimi. USA, Walt Disney Productions.

Elliot, A (2018). Adam Elliot Clayographies. Available at:

Fry, S (2017) Mythos. Great Britain, Penguin Random House UK.

Gollnick, J (2006). Love and the Soul : Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Karas, M (2018). Greek Mythology. Available at:

Kenn, J (2016). Don Kenn Gallery. Available at:

Lewis, C S (2017) Till We Have Faces. San Francisco, Harper One.

Multilingual Folk Tale Database (2018) Available at:

Pook press (2017). Beauty and the Beast: A history of the tale. Available at:

Shakespeare, W (1913) Romeo and Juliet. London, Lippincott Company. Available at:

Stiches and Glue (2018). Stitches and glue. Available at:

Vogler, C (2007). The Writers Jouney. Michigan, McNaughton & Gunn Inc. Available at:

WRIGHT, G.A., (2010). Ancient Greece’s Excellent Adventure: Classical Myth on Screen and Online. Literature/Film Quarterly, 38(2), pp. 163-165.


Possible styles and influences

John Kenn Mortensen

‘John Kenn Mortensen was born in 1978. He is a Danish artist who lives and works in Copenhagen. Mortensen is a master with pen and paper and his imagination is second to none. During the day, he employs these skills as an animator and director of children’s television programmes.’

Mortensen has been an artist I have liked for a long time, I love the simple pen style and the horrible looking creatures he creates. I think knowing that he is a children’s TV animator makes it all the more creepy.

Adam Elliot

Elliot is an Australian animator who I have mentioned many times, and have done previous essays on, but his style remains a strong influence on me. When creating my own puppets I would like to use some of the techniques he does, with a focus on the use/lack of colour.

Adam Elliot and Characters-thumb-860xauto-56184

Stitches and Glue

‘A Creative Design house specialising in Character Creation. Puppet, Costume, Toy and Mask Makers working within the Special FX Industry for Theatre and Film, based in London, England.’

I stumbled across this company in a previous project, but their work and style has really stuck with me. Especially as they have a large focus on theatre which is something I am very interested in.



After talking with Lynsey I feel I have a better understanding of what is required and a clearer sense of structure. I will aim to have a draft completed by next week in order to get more feedback before hand in.

As I suspected the subject I wanted to cover was a bit too broad and I needed to specify a bit more. I am also set on doing the 5000 word research report so I can link it into my own work, and create work inspired by my research. I will be looking in depth at the ‘Psyche and Eros’ myth and use that to make my own character design and puppet based on it.

In order to do this I will look at other interpretations of the myth and examples of artists and practitioners who work in a similar way.

Here are some of the sources I will be using in the future and currently:

Lewis, C S (2017) Till We Have Faces. San Francisco, Harper One.

Fry, S (2017) Mythos. Great Britain, Penguin Random House UK.

WRIGHT, G.A., (2010). Ancient Greece’s Excellent Adventure: Classical Myth on Screen and Online. Literature/Film Quarterly, 38(2), pp. 163-165.

Gollnick, J (2006). Love and the Soul : Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Karas, M (2018). Greek Mythology. Available at: