Rough Essay Plan

Essay Plan

Introduction- Jekyll and Hyde in general, Victorian era in general (200 words)

Paragraph 1- Optography, its history, how I thought it related to the story, victorian fascination with science, why it interested me (300 words)

Paragraph 2- Victorian hanging and execution, mention how Hyde was scared to be hanged, differences in outdoor hanging and in the prison (200 words)

Paragraph 3- Story technique, how my story has developed, from initial idea to finished, what I would do differently and what was my aim (200 words)

Paragraph 4- How would I turn It into an animation, influences and styles, reason for this choice, sketches, possible story board. (500 words)

Paragraph 5- Conclusion, how I have found the process, summary of what I have found out doing this project (100 words)

Hanging and the death penalty in Victorian England

Hanging was used as a punishment during victorian times as a death penalty for serious crimes, although by todays standards what constitutes a serious crime would be very differnt. 60% of crimes came with a hanging sentence, but by the end of the 19th century these were greatly reduced. They were often carried out for the public to see, but this banned in 1868 and was the start of a ban on execution in England.

Germany on the other hand (where my story was set) was a few years behind the UK on this front, so still carried out hangings way into the mid 20th Century. There for I think the view on it in 1880’s Germany would have been similar to that of 1850’s Britain.

The British Library says about executions in Victorian times:

“Executions were still public. Thomas Cook ran excursion trains to promising executions. 30,000 people watched the hanging of a notorious pair of murderers, in 1849, including Charles Dickens, who watched from the roof of a house overlooking the gallows. He then famously sent a letter to the Times, condemning public executions and their use as popular entertainment. It took another 20 years before hangings would be conducted within prison walls.”

This article indicates the mistakes that happen with Hanging, it wasn’t uncommon for people to survive and die shortly after.

Second draft of story

Journal of Wilhelm Kuhne

Date of entry 27th November 1880

I stared at my desk and it stared back. I had to work quickly and efficiently otherwise the flesh would start to rot. I really couldn’t have the neighbours complaining again.

When I woke this morning I knew that today would be a day of great scientific discovery, a day that would mark Optography as the finding of the century. I hailed a coach to the sleepy town of Bruchsal, in wait of the day’s events. As I arrived a crowd was already beginning to form, children jostling for their place at the front. I stayed towards the back, but remained vigilant, keeping my line of sight clear above the heads of the burgeoning crowd. Eventually movement began to occur off the side of the central stage, and a quiet fell over the audience. The show was about to begin.

A man, by the name of Ernard Rief, was lead solemnly by two guards up the steps towards the swinging rope of the noose, his head covered by a hessian sack. It muffled the sounds of blood curdling cries, that echoed with a somber futility; only to be met with cheers of enjoyment. I returned later that day once I had obtained the materials I needed, and as luck would have it a thick fog lay over the streets of Germany that evening which lessened my worries of arousing suspicion.

I carefully prepared a vial of my revolutionary potion, that would allow the living to observe the memories of the dead. Once this serum was applied to the eyes of the deceased, an image would emerge of their last living experience. Mr. Reif’s head lay so motionless, that one could assume he was sleeping, his body lying bruised and still on my counter top.

An incision just below the left eye socket and a drain of the Supraorbital artery would allow for easy extraction of the materials that I required. Although I am sure of my theory, the demon of doubt still plagued my mind. I sat a while longer, before I made the first cut. I now work quickly and with vigor, and with a short sharp tug the optic is released from its socket and lies blood soaked in my hand. The body made a sudden jolt, of which I can only assume is an extreme cadaveric spasm, and then shortly subsides, somehow paler than before.

I administer a drop of the ointment to the eye, and stare into the shining bulbous sphere. To my adulation an image began to form, blurred at first but growing ever more clear as the seconds past. That was when my heart stopped for a moment, and horror washed over my body. In the eye I saw a version of myself, but not as I was in the present, as I had been just moments before. I saw in my hands a scalpel not yet bloodied, slowly inching forwards, and with a force that made me jump, the image went black.

It’s such a shame that a body paralyzed looks so much like a dead one.

I have another execution booked for next week, this time a guillotine, maybe I will have more luck then.


Changes I have made based on feedback:

In this version of the story I have kept the same character and scenario but hopefully made it clearer what is happening, and I spent less time focusing on the flash back and looked more into the present. I also changed the story to make it a bit more interesting (although not really historically accurate), so I changed it from a guillotine to a handgun exception, in order to change the ending so that the man is actually alive when the scientist performs his experiment on him. I tired to keep the same sense of voice and add a bit more subtlety to what he is saying. I think having it as a journal entry relates more to the time period and makes it clearer the time setting. I tried to include some references from Jekyll and Hyde to keep it relevant, such as the ‘mad scientist’ trope and the dingy, foggy Victorian London (although my story is set in Germany).


Changing my secondary characters

secondary characters hoover

When I was experimenting with my my character in a photographic setting I came up with a better idea for other characters. I liked the idea of an evil hoover who has been possessed somehow, as this also links to my animation. I will still keep a human boy character, as this is quite important to the story, but I think having an antagonist makes it much more interesting. I have collected some images that I could use as inspiration.

Bestiary Weekly Summary 9

22nd- 28th January 2018


This week has been one of my most productive, it is exciting to see the project really come together. I completed all my story boards and animated three sequences. I was happy with how these went, but I am considering a re shoot for one of them, just to get it even better. I then masked out the rigs and added a background, this took a while but was pretty successful seen as I am a bit rubbish at it. It is satisfying to see my improvements from previous projects, I now have a better understanding of using a green screen and masking. I have written a fuller evaluation of the animation process on my blog. When filming I took some still images to use against a photographic background. I also played around with the face of the character, this is the element that I have changed most through out the project but I feel I am now comfortable with the design. I experimented with adding the face in after effects and I was pleased with the result, and I am glad I went down this route as I have learnt loads about the software

Areas for Development

My next move will be to re shoot some elements of my animation then edit them to a finished standard. I also need to take some photos to use as a background and for some still images. If time allows I would also like to go back and re do some of the secondary character drawings and the life cycle, I am not completely happy with them and I think they can be improved. I am at a point where I can start compiling everything together and add it to the character bible.


I used the animation room with some help from Tracey the technician. I used photo shop and after effects to edit my animations.

Lip Sync Weekly Summary 3

22nd-28th January 2018


I have played around in photoshop a bit more, and come up with a new idea for intention between the characters. As one is a parrot I would like them to eat worms and bugs that are coming out of the old ladies head. I was thinking about mixing in another approach and possibly use stop motion for this, or perhaps stick to photo shop and after effects. I also did a redesign of my parrot character, as I wanted him to be simpler and not too complicated. I am happier with this new version.

Areas for Development

My next step is to begin some experiments and just get started. I have struggled slightly with this project, and I have realised I am not very good at focusing on two things at once. I need be more pro active and just start animation I think. I would also like to do some more research to have a better understanding of my direction with this project.


Self guided research using photoshop and playing around with the characters design