Weekly summary motion graphics 3

6th-12th November 2017

Research Sources 

  • Google to look up different motion graphic studios


This week we finalised our script, which I am very happy with. I did a rough recording to get the timing and and it was within the time limit, we then used the recording to help with our animatic. We brought together all our individual animatics and put them in sequence, and as we had already discussed the transitions it worked well. I think we are at a very strong place to start animating, as we have a clear story and all our assets. At the end of the week we re recorded our narration in the sound studio, adding different voices and sound effects. This was very fun and productive, and I think will be an element that will really make our motion graphic stand out.

Areas for Development

My next area of development will be to use all of the resources and pre production skills I have learnt and start animation my section of the motion graphic. It is key that our group stays in contact and discusses our development, to make sure everyone is on target. Once this is complete we will need to make sure we meet and combine all of our 10 second sections and time it correctly with the narration and sound.

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