Weekly Summary Motion Graphics 2

30th October- 5th November 2017

Research Sources 

  • Google images to find inspiration for character designs
  • Discussions with Jon Chris and Lindsey about our ideas
  • Looking back at previous research into the origins of the story


This week our team achieved quite a lot, I think we made so good progress towards our final outcome. Moving on from last week we met as a group with the tutors and discussed our ideas, this was very helpful, and meant that we changed the story more to fit the brief. We delegated job roles, in order to split the labour a bit and add some consistency to the motion graphic. We also chose who was going to animate which section of the story. I developed my story board and a quick animatic to show the timing and how I think it could look. I went though a few different versions, as I wanted to work on keeping it clean and minimal, but without loosing the ‘shadow puppet’ effect.

Areas for Development

My next area of development will be to write a script using our new story, we have decided we would like it to rhyme, to keep it within the fairy tale style. I have made a character silhouette on after effects for the girl character so my next step will be to share this asset with the group so we can all use it. We will keep meeting as a group and developing ideas over the week and hopefully by the end we will have a very clear idea and be ready to animate the following week.

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