Meeting with my team for motion graphics

Today the team had a meeting and we discussed our initial ideas, and came up with a concept. We are sticking with silhouettes and shadow puppetry, but using elements of colour for important moments, like red for R’s eyes, and gold for the straw.

As a group we broke the story into it’s six parts and assigned a person to animate it.

  1. Dad tells king his daughter can turn straw into gold. (Maddy)
  2. King locks girl in room and tells her she will be killed if she can’t do this. (Michael)
  3. Little man appears and turns the straw into gold, requesting a ring, the kind returns and wants more, little man appears again and requests a necklace. (Harriet)
  4. The king wants even more, but promises to marry the girl if she can make straw into gold for a third time, the little man appears and does it on the condition that he gets her first born baby. (Daniel)
  5. The baby is born and the little man appears, he gives her a chance and tells her if she can guess his name in three days he will not take the baby. (Cassy)
  6. The now queen sends a messenger to find out his name, after two nights he comes back with nothing, but on the third night he sees the little man chanting his name around a fire, ‘Rumplestilstkin’, and he is so angry he dies. (Cat)

Our next step is to turn this into a script, and work on some images to use as the basis of the animation.

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